• Distance from Madurai to Rameswaram

    If we know the exact distance from madurai to rameswaram , then we can also know how much time it would take for us to travel that distance, the navigation is precise and fuel tank is full, would the journey not become a smoother affair? The distance between madurai to rameswaram is 173 km / 107.27

    Travel Time from madurai to rameswaram is 3 hours 0 mins. without much hassle. The journey can be customized by adding the stop over for having food or may be staying overnight in case of long journeys. The distance and travel time would change accordingly and also per the traffic and road conditions and the major stops between madurai,rameswaram

    Charge to be paid:
    Taxi fare in Tata Indica A/c from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 1557
    Taxi fare in INDIGO from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2076
    Taxi fare in LOGAN from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2076
    Taxi fare in ERTIGA from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2249
    Taxi fare in BOLLERO from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2249
    Taxi fare in TAVERA from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2249
    Taxi fare in XYLO from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2249
    Taxi fare in SCORPIO from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2249
    Taxi fare in INNOVA from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2595
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 12 SEATER from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2595
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 14 SEATER from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2768
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 17 SEATER from madurai to rameswaram is is Rs. 2941

    Charge rate: <5kms: $2, >5kms: $1.5, Travel Time: Day

    Driving directions to Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu 623526, India

    • Head east on NH85
      Pass by study abroad education consultants in madurai (on the left)
    • Turn left at the statue to stay on NH85
      Pass by Os Palapazham (on the left)
    • Take the exit on the right
    • Turn right at Nathan Motors toward Karimsha Pallivasal Street
      Pass by angaleswari Oil Stationery Vegetable Store (on the right)
    • Continue onto Karimsha Pallivasal Street
      Pass by Arapalayam River St (on the right)
      Pass by SENTHIL WINE SHOP (on the right)
    • Turn right at Coaching onto 80 Feet Rd/Teppakulam AnnaNagar Bridge
    • At Sakthi Sai Store, continue onto NH85
      Pass by Venkateshwara Digital Studio & Color Lab (on the left)
    • At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit
      Pass by Elite Public School CBSE (on the left in 2.5 km)
    • Continue onto NH85
      Pass by Sri Muniyandi kovil (on the left in 3.6 km)
    • Slight right
      Pass by Villiyarnethal School (on the left in 5.8 km)
    • Merge onto NH87
      Pass by Aarusuvai Hotel (on the right in 11.4 km)
    • Turn left
    • Turn left onto NH87
    • Keep right to continue on NH36/NH87
      Pass by INDIA ONE ATM (on the left in 850 m)
    • Continue onto NH87
      Pass by Manamadurai (on the right)
    • Continue onto NH87
      Pass by India One Atm (on the right in 1.5 km)
    • Slight left
      Pass by Truck Lay-by (on the left in 1.3 km)
    • Continue onto East Coast Rd
      Pass by Ravi Tea& Coffee Shop& Snacks (on the left in 4.5 km)
    • Turn left onto NH87
      Pass by Hotel Sairam (on the left)
    • Turn left at Rameswaram onto GP Rd