• Distance from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur

    If we know the exact distance from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur , then we can also know how much time it would take for us to travel that distance, the navigation is precise and fuel tank is full, would the journey not become a smoother affair? The distance between Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is 7.4 km / 4.61

    Travel Time from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is 17 mins. without much hassle. The journey can be customized by adding the stop over for having food or may be staying overnight in case of long journeys. The distance and travel time would change accordingly and also per the traffic and road conditions and the major stops between Cochin airport,Temples Kalady and guruvayur

    Charge to be paid:
    Taxi fare in Tata Indica A/c from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 63
    Taxi fare in INDIGO from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 84
    Taxi fare in LOGAN from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 84
    Taxi fare in ERTIGA from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 91
    Taxi fare in BOLLERO from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 91
    Taxi fare in TAVERA from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 91
    Taxi fare in XYLO from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 91
    Taxi fare in SCORPIO from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 91
    Taxi fare in INNOVA from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 105
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 12 SEATER from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 105
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 14 SEATER from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 112
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 17 SEATER from Cochin airport to Temples Kalady and guruvayur is is Rs. 119

    Charge rate: <5kms: $2, >5kms: $1.5, Travel Time: Day

    Driving directions to Muthalakadavu Rd, Thalayattumpilli, Kalady, Kerala 683574, India

    • Head south toward Airport Rd/Domestic Terminal Rd
    • Exit the roundabout
    • Turn right at Lime Spa Saloon&Spa onto Kariyad – Airport – Mattoor Rd
      Pass by Friends Service Station. Water Service (on the left)
    • Turn right at Piraroor Post Office to stay on Kariyad – Airport – Mattoor Rd
      Pass by RS Tours & Travels (on the left)
    • Turn right at Union Bank of India ATM, Mattoor onto Main Central Rd
      Pass by Sri Aryabavan Pure Vegetarian Hotel (on the right)
    • Turn left at Gulf Bazar Duty Paid Shop onto University Road
      Pass by Effects Digital Studio (on the right)
    • Slight left at Angel Stationary onto Kalady Malayattoor Road
      Pass by Phoenician Designers (on the right)
    • Turn right at Police Station Bus Stop onto Muthalakadavu Rd
      Pass by Njattiala Mana (on the left)
      Destination will be on the right

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    Weather for Temples Kalady and guruvayur
    There is no weather Details for Temples Kalady and guruvayur