• Taxi from Cochin to Kottakal

    If we know the exact distance from Cochin to Kottakal , then we can also know how much time it would take for us to travel that distance, the navigation is precise and fuel tank is full, would the journey not become a smoother affair? The distance between Cochin to Kottakal is 153 km / 95.35

    Travel Time from Cochin to Kottakal is 3 hours 48 mins. without much hassle. The journey can be customized by adding the stop over for having food or may be staying overnight in case of long journeys. The distance and travel time would change accordingly and also per the traffic and road conditions and the major stops between Cochin ,Kottakal

    Charge to be paid:
    Taxi fare in Tata Indica A/c from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1377
    Taxi fare in INDIGO from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1836
    Taxi fare in LOGAN from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1836
    Taxi fare in ERTIGA from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1989
    Taxi fare in BOLLERO from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1989
    Taxi fare in TAVERA from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1989
    Taxi fare in XYLO from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1989
    Taxi fare in SCORPIO from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 1989
    Taxi fare in INNOVA from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 2295
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 12 SEATER from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 2295
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 14 SEATER from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 2448
    Taxi fare in TRAVELLER 17 SEATER from Cochin to Kottakal is is Rs. 2601

    Charge rate: <5kms: $2, >5kms: $1.5, Travel Time: Day

    Driving directions to Kottakkal, Kerala, India

    • Head northeast on Kochi – Panvel Hwy
    • Turn right at Cochin Port Jct onto NH966B
      Partial toll road
      Drive along the water (on the right for 700 m)
    • Slight left onto Service Rd
    • Turn right toward NH66
    • Turn left onto NH66
      Partial toll road
      Pass by Corporation Shopping Complex Bldg (on the left in 3.4 km)
    • Turn left to stay on NH66
    • At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on NH66
    • Turn right onto Kuttippuram Town Rd
      Pass by HighLook furniture (on the left)
    • Turn left at Alankar Bakery onto Tirur – Kuttippuram Rd
      Pass by Fujaira Palace (on the left in 350 m)
    • Turn right at Hotel Plaza onto Thirunavaya – Puthanathani Rd
      Pass by Amaron Battery (on the left)
    • Turn right at Puthanathani Sunni Mosque onto Kottakkal – Kadungathukundu – Iringavoor – Tirur Rd/Puthanathani – Ezhur Rd/Thirunavaya – Puthanathani Rd
    • Turn left at Kalpaka automobiles and batteries onto NH66
      Pass by White (on the right)
    • Slight right at Hatch Communication(Mobile Sales&Service) toward Kurukathani – Kottakkal Rd/Tirur – Malappuram – Manjeri Rd
    • Turn right at N.R Bakery onto Kurukathani – Kottakkal Rd/Tirur – Malappuram – Manjeri Rd
      Pass by Simplex Cards & Print (on the left)
      Destination will be on the left